Just a reminder, tonight at 12:01 AM Eastern, the Foz’s Fifteen For February kicks off! Haven’t decided which game I’m going to start with though. You’ll be able to be there for the start on an8bitmind’s twitch channel...
The biggest news of all, I’m giving old Professor Farnsworth the week off from delivering the “Good news Everyone…” Why? Find out at the bottom of the news update....
(side note: Woohoo! 100 blog posts in the month+ that An8Bitmind.com has been open. We’re in this for the long haul, however.. this is just the first milestone on the road)...
And it’s not the price alone ($90 is expensive, however).. it’s the fact that Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13 is just plain not available in English. And that disappoints me....
No word on what caused the outage, but it’s fairly severe.. as Mario Maker network services will not be back until tomorrow night. For a game that basically requires the services, this is a major issue....
Yes, this is the third time. Yes, it’s two weeks before it was supposed to come out… and yes, this is the game that led me to coin the phrase “hype trainwreck”...
(this is a video game blog, of course), but this just hit a certain spot for me.. and that spot was, Gratuitous Spaceballs references.. Can you guess the reference?...