News Update 1/22
Man. Is it Friday, already? Let’s get to the news.
Mortal Kombat X is done on PC, they will not be getting Kombat Pack 2 DLC or Mortal Kombat XL. Honestly, at this point, any WB game that comes to PC from consoles, you have to be very wary of.
The Division will be getting a three day beta weekend next week. Sounds more like a stress test, I will try to get into the beta and will report back on what I find.
Winning Putt, a new Golf MMO (like Pangya or other such games) is out and in open beta now. I might actually try this.
The Warhammer 40K Eternal Crusade MMO/Shooter will be exiting Closed Alpha and moving on to Early Access Mode shortly. Right now, there’sd a lot of stuff missing, but I’m getting good vibes so far.
Firaxis has hired the Long War mod makers to make mods for XCom 2, their first effort will be released with the game. We recently mentioned that Long War Studios will be making a X-Com like game on their own as well.
The Danganronpa series is coming to Steam. If you haven’t seen these series, trust me, these are mind-screw games. a friend of mine got me to watch the anime that came from these games. I’m still considering making that friend an ex-friend as a response.
Just a week after critical bugs shut down the Metal Gear Online beta, it’s launched. Get your popcorn ready, there’s some verrrrry unhappy folks around.
A review of the EVE: Valkyrie Alpha for Occulus Rift. This seems aimed at the multiplayer side, as most of the single player content was held back
Microsoft says that next generation CPU’s will have features only supported on Windows 10. Gotta keep people upgrading, anything to keep them upgrading I guess.
Leaked prices on the Sony VR system indicate it will be around $450. Again, sticker shock is going to be a thing here.
Star Wars Episode VII will be a Christmas 2017 release, instead of Summer Release. I’m not sure if this means my friend Mike will just have to order another six months of supplies when he camps out for Episode VII tickets 😉
Looks like Arnie “Won’t Be Back”, as the Terminator Gensys sequel looks to be DoA. That’s Dead on Arrival, not Dead or Alive. I’d hate to see Arnie in a bikini. *shudders*