As we prepare for the weekend storm that is either nothing big or Snowmageddon 2: Snow Harder, the upgrade is finally done, (had lots of “fun” working with the router), so we’ll be doing a Friday Night Twitch Stream at 9...
I was looking for a game to fufill my urge for action/RPG games, and to get me ready for the phenomenon of “Four in February” (where you try to finish four games from your backlog in February).. and I decided to...
As I mentioned a couple days ago, I’m starting to explore the third major role in World of Warcraft, that is, being a tank. What I have I learned so far?...
This month’s Humble Bundle is tasty. A bunch of Firaxis games. Pirates, Ace Patrol, Civ 3-5, Beyond Earth and the XCom Series for less then $16? Wow....
Like to highlight the comment of AxB, on the last article, how the best strategy for multiplayer games like Diplomacy is to be a comfortable second place, then when everyone focuses on the leader, then you “win by default”. I still...
Games don’t have to be big and have hundreds of pieces to be an interesting boardgame.. they have to have a good theme, offer a variety of decisions to make, and be fun to play. This is true, whether it’s big...
No, this post is not about the game FTL(which, now that I think about it, also suffers from the two forms of FTL I mention later).. but instead of the propensity of multiplayer games to quickly turn into two other versions of...
Pats win a close one that wasn’t close till the end (whew). But I had to share this.. The song Still Alive covered by a full choir, as part of the Greatest Video Game Music collection, volume 3, which is available...