Watch Dogs 2 was the game that everyone played (9 Million copies sold), but no one seemed to like. South Park sold 5 million copies. So it’s not surprising that both games are getting sequels. Hit Continue reading for more!...
Microsoft announced that Quantum Break, previously an XB1 exclusive, would be coming to Windows 10 systems as well. And just as importantly, that they will be working to make games that are on both platforms “Cross-buy”able, meaning that if you buy...
This might be the most shocking news of the year. There will be no new Mainline Assassin’s Creed in 2016.., as Ubisoft looks to see how they can pull the same type of game, but better out of new technologies....
Rock Band co-creators take a major blow, announce restructuring, World of Warcraft free to movie goers? The Division Open Beta goes live next weekend, a Bioware writer lands a new job with a familiar title.. and so much more! Hit the Continue...
That’s the website, not the Amazon region. Interesting, they bought a license to a fork on the CryEngine via Unreal, and hope to monetize it by requiring that if you use third party servers for multiplayer for games using this engine,...