I don’t like talking about my own situation, this is supposed to be a rather fun blog about video games. But, there’s an elephant in the room, and I think one of the things I should do to explain the lack...
Bad News: My hip hurts so much that I can’t even sit at the computer for any length of time. Good News: It’s givin me a chance to try out some mobile games that I’ll report on when I’m back upright,...
First off, I’m glad that I managed to avoid putting the English language words March and any word that indicates insanity, like, say, Madness in the title. Because we KNOW the NCAA has that trademarked, right? Mustn’t upset the bastion of...
Well, this doesn’t come as a huge shock, as the Supreme Court rejects a lot more appeals then it takes on, but today they announced they wouldn’t hear Electronic Arts request to dismiss a suit filed by retired players on names and likenesses...
There are kids who were born just before the first Out of the Park Baseball game was made that are now eligible to vote. Each year, we say “I don’t know what they could possibly add to the game to make it better.” And...
Well, if you’re a VR enthusiast you now have a choice on which VR system to go with, as the last of the contenders, the Playstation VR announced that the system, two Move controllers and camera would be $500. Preorders open...
The gold master for Out of the Park Baseball’s latest opus, Out of the Park Baseball 17 is out, and we will have a review of it on or around the 22nd which is the official release date. They also announced the...
(This is another guest column while I regain my health: Thanks to FOFC Member Groundhog, who actually owns this title, I was able to answer a request in comments for a review of this game. As such, it is not graded)...