Thanksgiving Glut of Games to Play.
Ok, it’s not even thanksgiving, and I’m in a gaming overdose that even L-tryptophan couldn’t put me to sleep from..
Let’s enumerate the gathering gaming gluttony glee …
Football Manager 2017: Yeah, a new edition of FM, and I get sucked right back in like every year. I’ve already done up my alt-universe American league file (mostly to make it so I don’t have to deal with Major League Soccer’s arcane rules.. I think this year, to get a third high salary player, you had to sacrifice a virgin when Mercury was in the third house of Saturn retrograde…) and put in tons of time already.. and there’s plenty more to come.
Motorsport Manager: Oh yeah, the guys over at Sports Interactive decided they weren’t taking ENOUGH of my gaming budget and time, and released a F1 version of Football Manager. I got sucked into the mobile version last year, and this is miles ahead of it. If they can ever make a Turn Left version (ie a version that had Nascar and Indy car circuits), I would be throwing my wallet THROUGH the internet at them. I best not give them ideas, however, I don’t want them showing up next year at the new Casa del Fozzie with a contract for my kidney and/or my immortal soul.
Draft Day Sports Pro Basketball 2017: We talked about this game in my review, which is so good, but I am so bad at. In fact, I am so bad at this game, that I took a team (my hometown Celtics) that’s future was so bright they had to wear the shades (ok, that’s my quota of 1 80’s reference per post), I turned it into the laughingstock of the league. Now, part of that is because the developers didn’t program in the draft pick trades going forward because A) e didn’t want to screw over coaches who wanted to take over the Nets, who are next scheduled to be good shortly before the heat death of the universe, and B) NBA Draft Pick trading is governed by rules only slightly less Byzantine then the MLS rules I mention above. But I keep playing it, despite my laughable “skills” at being a general manager. Why? Because it’s an awesome game, that’s why.
Draft Day Sports College Football 2017: Seriously, Wolverine Studios? You guys are competing with Sports Interactive in trying to monopolize my gaming time. We talked about the pro game back in January, and the developers have seemingly taken the criticisms to heart. The UI is MUCH better, and the game’s 2d engine flows much better then the Pro version did. This is not a full fledged review, but I definitely can say that adding the “Draft Day Sports” look to the interface made things much better, and the game is very good for a first college football release. I’m going to be trying that one out this week in an attempt to get that review up quickly.
World of Warcraft: The current reigning, defending, and undisputed champion of “the game that makes Fozzie rage the most”. My main character has found her groove with a bunch of great people, but at times can be so frustrating (our latest target , Heroic Ursoc, defeated us 10 times Saturday Night, three times we got him down all the way to 4% health before we died. But the frustration will taste that much better when we finally beat that SOB and I get a giant bear skin rug in my garrison. Well, either that or to the point I rage out and end up depositing various parts of my computer against the wall at a high rate of speed. Right now you can get even odds on either happening.
Not to mention things like Blood Bowl II (which I mentioned in my last post), Civilization VI, and getting into an OOTP league, back into Stellaris, not to mention Madden, WWE2k17 and MLB16 the Show… not to mention replaying all the Mass Effect games, or maybe FIFA 17.. oh yeah, and Total War Warhammer, and replaying X-Com 2 and Pillars of Eternity.. Not to mention.. you know what.. never mind. Way, WAY too many games on my list. Wait, a new edition of Front Office Football next week? Oh dear…
I recently said on twitter that I wish I could clone myself to get all this gaming in, but I realized that would be a bad idea for two reasons:
One) I only have one computer and the PS4, so I’d still be fighting my self for gaming time..
Two) I’d be too jealous of my other selves to really appreciate it.
Still tempting though.
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About Author
David "SirFozzie" Yellope is the operator of the "An 8 bit mind in an 8 Gigabyte World". ( While not QUITE yet at the stage of waving his cane and telling the kids to "get off his lawn", he does admit he owns three canes.