I must be certifiable. Well I am, but this time, it’s because I’m taking a challenge and turning it up into maximum overdrive. Some gamer folks initiated the Four For February Challenge.. which is an attempt to clear your gaming backlog...
We have completed the upgrades, and thanks to a gift from Friend-of-Foz Seoulstar, we have an extended XSplit License! We will be running daily streams today and just about every day from now on for at least a couple hours a day....
As we prepare for the weekend storm that is either nothing big or Snowmageddon 2: Snow Harder, the upgrade is finally done, (had lots of “fun” working with the router), so we’ll be doing a Friday Night Twitch Stream at 9...
I was looking for a game to fufill my urge for action/RPG games, and to get me ready for the phenomenon of “Four in February” (where you try to finish four games from your backlog in February).. and I decided to...
As I mentioned a couple days ago, I’m starting to explore the third major role in World of Warcraft, that is, being a tank. What I have I learned so far?...
This month’s Humble Bundle is tasty. A bunch of Firaxis games. Pirates, Ace Patrol, Civ 3-5, Beyond Earth and the XCom Series for less then $16? Wow....
Like to highlight the comment of AxB, on the last article, how the best strategy for multiplayer games like Diplomacy is to be a comfortable second place, then when everyone focuses on the leader, then you “win by default”. I still...
Games don’t have to be big and have hundreds of pieces to be an interesting boardgame.. they have to have a good theme, offer a variety of decisions to make, and be fun to play. This is true, whether it’s big...