(Editorial Note: While I’m home and slowly getting better, only being able to really see out of one eye means updates will be slow for a day or two more. I’m trying to get some guest articles from my friends in...
Came across an interesting article on GameSpot about Rocket League having a couple of huge months. They now have over 4 million sales of the core Rocket League game, and combined with the seven million who downloaded the game on PS Plus,...
“Where does he get those wonderful toys..” Wait, that was.. 1989? We’re getting close to thirty years since that quote? Curse you, slow passage of years! At least you can get your hands on one of Batman’s best toys next month....
A lot of players don’t like “Wasteland”, one of the maps in rotation for Ranked Play in Rocket League. They think it was too different then the standard arenas in play… so some found a way to mod it out of their...